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Oncology Massage & Reflexology

Massage and Reflexology for people with a current cancer diagnosis or who are in remission

- Counterbalances the effects of stress


- Relaxes the body, the muscles and nerve fibres which may help to reduce pain

- Releases endorphins to produce an analgesic effect

- Encourages deeper and easier breathing

- Reduces feelings of fatigue by boosting the immune system

- Improves sleep patterns, increasing alertness and mental clarity

- Improves bowel activity

- Calms an overly-busy mind by lowering cortisol levels


- Provides 'time-out' and a positive focus on the body

- Improves joint flexibility, range of motion and improves circulation

- Oncology Massage can reduce the appearance of operation scars

- Can help mood adjustment during recovery and for those in remission

Before Booking

Please get in touch with me to have an initial discussion before booking your first Massage if you have a current cancer diagnosis.


It is important to speak to a member of your primary medical team (ie your oncologist, your GP or your specialist nurse) before you book your first treatment with me. There may be practical considerations they need to discuss with you in relation to having complementary therapies at various points of medical treatment, between treatment periods or during palliative care. In most instances you will simply be encouraged to proceed, as most doctors consider massage and reflexology to be excellent methods of managing stress and helpful for certain side-effects whilst receiving medical treatment for cancer. 


NB: You will be required to sign a legal disclaimer confirming that you have notified your medical team about attending massage/reflexology before your first treatment commences.  If you would like me to communicate with a member of your medical team prior to your appointment in order to better understand any aspect of your medical treatment, I would be happy to do so.

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massage therapy clinic in Kingston
Approved Practitioner Logo - Massage-01
manual lymphatic drainage foot massage for an oncology massage client with a cancer diagnosis

Are you looking for an Oncology-trained Massage Therapist nearer to you than Kingston?  Have a look at the Butterfly Touch directory, NB: click the "redo search when map moves" box to see all the listings.

Prices: £70/hr or £85/75mins Massage, £65/hr Reflexology

Health Consultation

All new clients need to complete a health consultation form before their first visit, as this enables me to be understand any wider issues which need to be taken in to consideration during massage/reflexology. Prior to working with people currently with a cancer diagnosis, I will additionally also need to take some details about any medical treatment and I find that a telephone conversation before booking is usually best for that purpose.

gentle swedish hand massage for a cancer patient

Oncology Therapies FAQs

Is Oncology Massage the same as regular Massage?

Yes and No. Oncology massage is similar to regular massage in that it soothes both the body and the mind and provides time-out from life's stresses; but it is tailored to you individually and is appropriate for your symptoms or any side-effects you experience from your medical treatment eg through body positioning, shortened treatments, an understanding of treatment-specific issues eg skin soreness, etc. We will discuss before we start which parts of your body you prefer to have massaged, it could be the full body, or just the hands & arms, legs & feet,  or the shoulders, neck & head, all dependent on how you feel that day and what your situation is at the time.  The main physical difference between Oncology massage and other massage techniques is that Oncology massage uses a much lighter pressure, so its effect is extremely calming and applies no additional strain to your body systems. 

Can massage or reflexology spread cancer?

No. There is no evidence that complementary therapies cause cancer to metastasize in any way.  Adapted light-touch pressure is used which applies no more stimulation to the body than taking gentle exercise or a hot shower.

Will it affect my radiotherapy/chemotherapy effectiveness?

No. There is no evidence to suggest massage or reflexology interferes with chemo/radiotherapy or makes them any less effective. Oncologists are largely in favour of patients receiving complementary therapies alongside hospital cancer treatments as it lowers anxiety levels and helps manage some side-effects.

Can I receive massage/reflexology at any point during my medical cancer treatment?

Oncology massage/reflexology is suitable for most people during most of their medical cancer treatment, including whilst receiving radiotherapy or chemotherapy, for those in recovery and also for those in palliative care. There are however a very small number of exception periods during certain oncology treatments when it is best to delay for a few days; this is why it is important for me to remain aware of your medical progress and for your primary care team to be aware that you receive massage.

I wear a wig, should I take it off during my massage/reflexology?

That is entirely up to you. Most clients find that they do feel more relaxed and comfortable without their wig during complementary therapies, so you will be invited to remove your wig should you wish to if you have told me that you are wearing one. Your complete privacy is guaranteed and a mirror is provided for putting your wig back on after treatment.

How are you qualified to work with cancer patients?

In addition to my various reflexology & massage (including anatomy, physiology & pathology) diplomas and my advanced (remedial) massage diploma, I also have specialist qualifications in 'Complementary Therapies in Cancer Care for Massage & Reflexology' and  'Advanced Clinical Massage for Scar Tissue'. A significant number of my regular clientele have had or are receiving oncology treatment.

I have some other questions...

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your questions. Why not email them to me or arrange a time for a phone conversation? 

Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2        9am-6pm: 07791 966278
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