Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy Massage (suitable from approx 12 weeks pregnant - birth)
Pregnancy can often be a time of great emotional as well as obvious physiological change. The therapeutic use of gentle massage techniques during pregnancy can help to induce both physical and mental relaxation, alleviating a wide range of pregnancy-related aches, discomforts and tensions.
Pregnancy massage at Richmond Park Therapies will address those key areas most affecting YOU in terms of physiological change that day, (as everyone is different on each visit), whether that be soothing your lower back, easing your hips, tired legs, a stiff neck and shoulders from altered sleeping position, or perhaps addressing some swollen ankles, or relaxing the ribs to reduce heartburn and indigestion. The techniques chosen to help you with these symptoms will be light and adjusted for the safety of both mother and baby, and they will be encased within a wonderfully flowing massage that ends with the face and scalp, allowing the mind to ease and rest, whilst the body recharges, thus promoting better sleep patterns as well.
Rhythmic lymphatic drainage massage techniques may also be used to help reduce water retention, puffy ankles and lower legs. This modality also helps reduce blood pressure and headaches, and may reduce the development of pregnancy-generated varicose veins, as well as generally increase lymphatic flow and circulation. Manual lymphatic drainage massage is wildly relaxing to receive, so you’ll come out your session which includes it, feeling comforted, eased, less fatigued and re-energised.
Regular massage can also help with some cramping symptoms which can often occur during pregnancy, particularly throughout the latter stages; it additionally helps to alleviate antenatal depression and anxiety caused by the rapid and often overwhelming hormonal changes your body is experiencing.
From a practical viewpoint, this relaxing body massage is carried out with the greatest of care by an experienced therapist trained to advanced levels and very experienced in pregnancy massage. You’ll usually be predominantly in a side-lying position (particularly in later pregnancy), or seated if you prefer, with extra pillows and bolsters to ensure everything is fully supported and comfortable throughout. It is expected you’ll need to shift position every now and again, and taking breaks throughout the massage for toilet-trips if baby is pressing on your bladder is also expected and nothing to worry about. I choose not to use a massage table with a ‘pregnancy hole’ or a ‘tummy cushion’ for my clients as there is some evidence that these might affect the pelvic girdle, which during pregnancy is more susceptible to damage due to increased amounts of the hormone (relaxin) which loosens the pelvic ligaments in preparation for stretching to accommodate baby’s journey through the birth canal.
Pregnancy Massage is technically possible at any stage of pregnancy, but most midwives, and I, will recommend that you wait until after your 12 week scan to proceed. You will also need to let your midwife or GP know that you are planning to receive massage, and sign a disclaimer stating that you have done so.
75 mins: £90 or 90 mins: £105
Gift vouchers are available for a single pregnancy massage or for a course of treatments; they make great maternity leave gifts or a wonderful treat for someone you know who is expecting a baby.